City plans for Pleasant valley
Fontanero and 31st Street Intersection Improvements Project
Construction start spring of 2024 Design efforts are underway to replace the 31st Street bridge at Fontanero and corresponding channel, along with improved pedestrian facilities. The project will improve the congested four-way stop intersection and drainage channels with installation of a roundabout. Goals and Objectives for the Project: Promote continuous flow of traffic and reduce congestion Improve air quality for residents by reducing braking/acceleration noise and air pollution Improve safety for pedestrians and bicyclists Create a focal point and gateway for this historic neighborhood Improve water quality Maintain the existing character of this residential neighborhood Project Cost: Funding for this phase of the project is through a combination of Metropolitan Planning Program (MPP) and Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Federal grants. To see all city projects go to: The city's Office of Innovation & Sustainability has information about · getting potholes filled, · receiving notifications when City Council is going to discuss an issue they care about · Visualizing and tracking the City's revenue and expenses · and a whole lot more! To access this information, please click here: |