2024 PVNA SUrvey Results
Here are the unedited results from our online survey. In the comments section below, the items marked with * are from respondents who indicated that they never participate in events. Thanks to everyone who shared your opinions.
How often do you participate in PVNA sponsored events?
Extremely often - 5
Very often -8
Somewhat often - 20
Not often - 7
Never - 2
If not often or never, please explain why. See comments below with *
Please check which events you attended in 2023.
Valley Egg Hunt - 9
Fire Mitigation and chipping - 11
Yard Sale -17
Music in Westmoor Park - 30
July 4th Bike Ride - 7
Valley Rally - 12
PVNA Meet & Greet at Rock Ledge Ranch - 17
Holiday Lighting Contest - 5
Neighborhood watch - 5
Valley Cleanup With Dumpsters Available - 20
Jim's Garden Cleanup - 3
No events - 1
Are you aware that your paid membership pays for many of the events listed above?
Yes - 38
No - 3
How do you find out about PVNA sponsored events? (Check all that apply.)
Mailers - 11
Door Hangers - 15
Facebook - 28
Nextdoor - 6
Instagram - 1
PVNA signs - 16
Texts - 1
Talking to neighbors and/or friends - 8
In the space below, please provide any feedback about our neighborhood events. You may also suggest other events you’d like to see happen, and/or suggest ways to boost attendance at the events.
* nothing I am interested in - most are geared to kids' stuff that parents should be responsible for ff that pareents should be doing not a neighborhood
what about help for seniors - like shoving snow, raking leaves, rides to appointments, etc
I signed for Pleasant Vally .30th etc. I really would like to know what's going around my area. .I only hear(when and if something happens)from neighbors sorry I can't participate in other things. Being 96 isn't fun. Ha!. good luck and thanks for what we have
Love the music in the park! Love all that you guys are doing!! Maybe consider a Pleasant Valley running event?!!
Always have other plans don’t find out in advance
Let us know far in advance. Signs at Westmoor. A night out event where there are activities for the kids but parents can mingle with appetizers/drinks.
It still feels very 'clicky' and needs to expand/open up to those that should be included but are not paying. We are all neighbors in this amazing neighborhood and the association needs to act more like an inviting group versus a cache.
I love the music in the par and the food trucks! I think more advertising would help. Neighboring neighborhoods, too.
Music in the park is a great time to visit with friends and neighbors. The food trucks provide us with a meal. Good times!
Absolutely love the music in the park series…what an event you put on!!! It’s the best way to meet or reconnect with neighbors. Andrea and Chris Ayres 529 Pleasant St
I love the schedule that we have. As my work schedule gets more flexible, I'll be able to attend more. A Valley swim day picnic would be fun. See if the pool willallow a $5 entry for PVNA members. Then we can have an additional day for gathering.
The dumpsters are extremely helpful and practical. Anything for people with kids is a hit. Family yoga in the park? Don’t know if that’s possible? An event that has childcare 😂
Love love love love the music in the park events! Please continue them!
If people aren’t online often they can miss the announcements. Bigger more detailed signs around the neighborhood well in advance might help. But we all need to get the word out and invite friends and family.
You all do a really good job to create community in Pleasant Valley. Thanks for all the hard work you do. I’d love to see a book club in PV. I know people have posted about it but nothing has ever gotten going. I think that would be a fun way to get to know our neighbors. For those of us who have time to read anyway😉
Maybe a pot luck at the park, or movie night at the park. Taking advantage of West Moore park during the nice weather is a favorite.
Clean up dumpster
More mailers. Love the food trucks!!
My schedule re night events.
More meet and greets and yard sales or flee markets.
Would love more kid events
Extremely often - 5
Very often -8
Somewhat often - 20
Not often - 7
Never - 2
If not often or never, please explain why. See comments below with *
Please check which events you attended in 2023.
Valley Egg Hunt - 9
Fire Mitigation and chipping - 11
Yard Sale -17
Music in Westmoor Park - 30
July 4th Bike Ride - 7
Valley Rally - 12
PVNA Meet & Greet at Rock Ledge Ranch - 17
Holiday Lighting Contest - 5
Neighborhood watch - 5
Valley Cleanup With Dumpsters Available - 20
Jim's Garden Cleanup - 3
No events - 1
Are you aware that your paid membership pays for many of the events listed above?
Yes - 38
No - 3
How do you find out about PVNA sponsored events? (Check all that apply.)
Mailers - 11
Door Hangers - 15
Facebook - 28
Nextdoor - 6
Instagram - 1
PVNA signs - 16
Texts - 1
Talking to neighbors and/or friends - 8
In the space below, please provide any feedback about our neighborhood events. You may also suggest other events you’d like to see happen, and/or suggest ways to boost attendance at the events.
* nothing I am interested in - most are geared to kids' stuff that parents should be responsible for ff that pareents should be doing not a neighborhood
what about help for seniors - like shoving snow, raking leaves, rides to appointments, etc
I signed for Pleasant Vally .30th etc. I really would like to know what's going around my area. .I only hear(when and if something happens)from neighbors sorry I can't participate in other things. Being 96 isn't fun. Ha!. good luck and thanks for what we have
Love the music in the park! Love all that you guys are doing!! Maybe consider a Pleasant Valley running event?!!
Always have other plans don’t find out in advance
Let us know far in advance. Signs at Westmoor. A night out event where there are activities for the kids but parents can mingle with appetizers/drinks.
It still feels very 'clicky' and needs to expand/open up to those that should be included but are not paying. We are all neighbors in this amazing neighborhood and the association needs to act more like an inviting group versus a cache.
I love the music in the par and the food trucks! I think more advertising would help. Neighboring neighborhoods, too.
Music in the park is a great time to visit with friends and neighbors. The food trucks provide us with a meal. Good times!
Absolutely love the music in the park series…what an event you put on!!! It’s the best way to meet or reconnect with neighbors. Andrea and Chris Ayres 529 Pleasant St
- more interested in safety and speeding cars
I love the schedule that we have. As my work schedule gets more flexible, I'll be able to attend more. A Valley swim day picnic would be fun. See if the pool willallow a $5 entry for PVNA members. Then we can have an additional day for gathering.
The dumpsters are extremely helpful and practical. Anything for people with kids is a hit. Family yoga in the park? Don’t know if that’s possible? An event that has childcare 😂
Love love love love the music in the park events! Please continue them!
If people aren’t online often they can miss the announcements. Bigger more detailed signs around the neighborhood well in advance might help. But we all need to get the word out and invite friends and family.
You all do a really good job to create community in Pleasant Valley. Thanks for all the hard work you do. I’d love to see a book club in PV. I know people have posted about it but nothing has ever gotten going. I think that would be a fun way to get to know our neighbors. For those of us who have time to read anyway😉
Maybe a pot luck at the park, or movie night at the park. Taking advantage of West Moore park during the nice weather is a favorite.
Clean up dumpster
More mailers. Love the food trucks!!
My schedule re night events.
More meet and greets and yard sales or flee markets.
Would love more kid events